Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Louvre

Wednesday 22nd July

Today we spent all afternoone at the Louvre Museum, but first in the morning we did some laundry (such are the joys of international travel).

The Louvre was pretty amazing - you could spend a week there and maybe then see everything. We got the multimedia guides - definitely worth getting as they have audio/visual tours with maps and everything. There are quite a few tours available on these little doo-dads, but we did the French artistry one which by alone took over three hours. There are also Italian, Medieval sections and even an Islamic one opening soon. After our little self-guided tour we got some lunch (well almost dinner by this time) and then went to see the Mona Lisa (it would be almost a crime to go to the Louvre and not see it!), after which we went back to the hotel for the night.

Unlike most museums, castles and churches in Europe, you were allowed to take photos here.

The biggest painting in the Louvre

Mel in front of the Mona Lisa

The throne used by Napolean

The Louvre was originally a palace used by Louis the 14th so some of the rooms were as they were when he was around, such as this one.

The outside of the Louvre as seen from the ferris wheel the previous day

First Day In Paris

Tuesday 21st July

Running quite behind schedule on these posts so will have to keep them short for now and fill them out later (maybe).

Today was our first day in Paris. We walked to the Luxembourg Gardens & Palace from the hotel, then walked through the streets (stopping off at a true Parisian patisserie) and then tried to go to the Louvre but it is closed on Tuesdays. We saw a ferris wheel in the distance so walked up the esplanade a bit, to a little fair/sideshow thing where the ferris wheel was. There was a great view from the ferris wheel and we got our first good look at the Eiffel tower. On the way we found Concorde Column, and a few other monuments. After we went on the ferris wheel we caught a bus to the Arc de Triomphe, then caught the tube to the island where Notre Dame Cathedral is. We had a look around Notre Dame, had a nutella crepe nearby, and went back to the hotel for a shower and a rest (it was a very hot day and Mel got a sun tan/burn)

Dinner was a quick stop at a local pizza place near the hotel and then we took the bus up to the Eiffel tower. We took a LOT of photos of it as we were getting closer - so it took a while to actually get there. Biggest impression - it is HUGE!!! A lot bigger than we thought it would be! After waiting in line for nearly an hour we went up to the second floor (by this time it was dark but worth the wait) and took lots of photos, and then because it was night time we took lots of photos of it on the way back. We missed the last bus so decided to walk back to the hotel - took a long time and it was hot but we got there eventually. We're glad we got to the tower at night though!!

Here's some photos from today:

The Arc de Triomphe

Random (appropriate) bakery we found

Random street in Paris

The Jardin Du Luxembourg - now the French Senate

Notre Dame Cathedral

And our two favourite shots from probably the whole trip:


Monday 20th July

Seeing as we didn't have a huge amount to do today, we slept in until about 11am and made our way across to St Pancras station (with all our luggage) to get on the Eurostar to Paris. Pretty much zero border control - the officials stamped our passports with barely a glance and waved us on through.

The trip to Paris was uneventful. We had paid about 20 Euros more to get better seats on the train, so we got a meal and free drinks. I thought it was pretty much a tunnel all the way through but you travel through the English countryside quite a lot, then about 20 minutes under the Channel. You go through quite a lot of tunnels anyway, so when you actually go under the Channel it seems like just another tunnel and then all of a sudden you're in the French countryside - you can tell because they drive on the other side of the road to England, plus the architecture is different.

Once we got to Paris, I had investigated earlier and found that the hotel was pretty much right next to a Metro station (Paris' version of the subway) so we got some three-day tickets (which was an adventure in itself because of our lack of French knowledge) and hopped on the Metro to the Hotel. We were staying at the Best Western Aramis St Germain. The room was quite small (which from what we heard was to be expected from Paris or any European city) but comfortable and clean and convenient enough to everything. After we got settled in to the room, we went for a walk around the block to get a feel for the place and had Maccas for dinner.

So we don't have many photos of today but here are some random ones from London...

Mel with one of the guards at Windsor Castle

One of the lights at Windsor Castle - note the castle on top.

One of the tour guides/helpers at Windsor Castle

In one of the rooms at the Tower of London

One of the monuments in London - of particular interest to Paul because his Grandmother was one of the Women in WWII

Another random monument - this one is for Captain James Cook

A black cab that isn't black but Mel liked it because of the Union Jack on it

A random guard in London

Self Explanatory

The Tower Bridge

A monument to Queen Victoria in front of Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

The London Eye

A shop on Portobello Road - this one's for you Tracey Langham (it's a Scottish shop with a cafe inside called Charlie's)

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm In London Still

Sunday 19th July

Our first communion meeting for 2 weeks. We slept in a little bit and caught the train at 9am (for a 10:30 meeting) from Victoria station out to a place called Beckenham which is where the London assembly has been having meetings for the last 15-20 years. Even though (like the Wednesday night meeting) most of them were Australians, it was great to catch up with others like Bill and Brenda, and also meet Pastor Chris and his wife Heather for the first time. After having only a piano (sometimes) and a guitar at the meeting for the last year in Canada it was great to hear all the choruses with a full band - Nathan (Brit) on the drums, Robbie G on the keyboard, Matt on the bass, and Heather on the flute. The Londoners are trying to get some meetings going closer into town near where all the Australians live and are having a big concert/outreach/meeting sometime later this year and inviting the Polski's so if you are planning to be in the area later this year around October or September make sure you get the details from Nathan or I'm sure it will be on fairly soon.

After the meeting we hung out with Rob, Pam and Barb (from Australia related to the Begg's) and we went to the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum's cafe for lunch, and then after lunch had a wander around the museum. Soon after we started wandering around we were wishing we had come here instead of the Tate Modern because there is sooooo much stuff to look at, and far more interesting, like iron gates from the 1200's, and full roman columns, and heaps of statues. The place where we spent most of our time was in the performing arts section where they had costumes and props and sound effects machines from many different musicals. They even had a full replica of Kylie Minogue's dressing room from one of her tours (not that we are fans, but it was still interesting).

After the V&A we just went back to Rob and Pam's place and just hung out - Pam made a nice lasagne for dinner. Unfortunately only one photo today - sorry peoples.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Street Where the Riches of Ages are Stowed

Saturday 18th July 2009

Today we got up fairly early and went to the Portobello road market, which only runs on Saturday. While it's not quite the dark and dreary/happy and dancing place "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" makes it out to be, it's reputation of being the place to go for antiques is not without merit! There are stalls upon stalls selling everything from doorknobs to old plates, original sketches to musical instruments and everything in between, so if you are into that sort of thing it is definitely worth a look.

Some of the items on sale at Portobello Road

After Portobello Road we decided we had to buy a GPS device for our drive through Europe (so glad we did!) so we went to a place called Tottenham court road and bought the cheapest one we could find. It's a Garmin and it can take Australian maps so we'll probably buy them once we get back. Later we met up with the other Aussies in town for a show that Nici had organised previously. The show we went to was called the TomTom Crew, and the arena where it was located was in a giant upside down purple cow (I am not making this up!). The TomTom Crew are a bunch of Aussies who do a kind of beatbox/acrobatic/hip hop/breakdance type show and it was really cool, though it was strange to be an Australian and hearing the performers (other Australians) yell out "It's great to be here London!" They started out with some acrobatics, then one of the guys did a really amazing beat box routine, they also had a DJ spinning some discs, and another one of them had studied Japanese drumming for 5 years so he showed off some of his skills, with some musical numbers and typical Australian humour sprinkled in there as well.

The upside down purple cow

Once we finished at the TomTom crew we went back to Fulham (the area where all the Australians live) and hung out at one of the local parks with Rob and Pam and Nici while they practiced one of their songs to do at camp. After that we went back to Matt and Nici's and a few people came around to eat pizza and talk about future church activities that they might be able to do (of course Mel and I put in our two bob worth).

Us waiting for the others to arrive in town for the TomTom Crew

Regular Programming Will Resume Shortly

Hi All

Sorry for the lack of posts - we have been at the Italian Camp for the last week with no internet access...

Before we resume regular programming, we would just like to say that the Italian camp was fantastic!! You should start planning now to go next year because the Italian camp is in Poland next year... more on this later.

We will now return you to your regular broadcast.