Sunday, August 2, 2009

Street Where the Riches of Ages are Stowed

Saturday 18th July 2009

Today we got up fairly early and went to the Portobello road market, which only runs on Saturday. While it's not quite the dark and dreary/happy and dancing place "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" makes it out to be, it's reputation of being the place to go for antiques is not without merit! There are stalls upon stalls selling everything from doorknobs to old plates, original sketches to musical instruments and everything in between, so if you are into that sort of thing it is definitely worth a look.

Some of the items on sale at Portobello Road

After Portobello Road we decided we had to buy a GPS device for our drive through Europe (so glad we did!) so we went to a place called Tottenham court road and bought the cheapest one we could find. It's a Garmin and it can take Australian maps so we'll probably buy them once we get back. Later we met up with the other Aussies in town for a show that Nici had organised previously. The show we went to was called the TomTom Crew, and the arena where it was located was in a giant upside down purple cow (I am not making this up!). The TomTom Crew are a bunch of Aussies who do a kind of beatbox/acrobatic/hip hop/breakdance type show and it was really cool, though it was strange to be an Australian and hearing the performers (other Australians) yell out "It's great to be here London!" They started out with some acrobatics, then one of the guys did a really amazing beat box routine, they also had a DJ spinning some discs, and another one of them had studied Japanese drumming for 5 years so he showed off some of his skills, with some musical numbers and typical Australian humour sprinkled in there as well.

The upside down purple cow

Once we finished at the TomTom crew we went back to Fulham (the area where all the Australians live) and hung out at one of the local parks with Rob and Pam and Nici while they practiced one of their songs to do at camp. After that we went back to Matt and Nici's and a few people came around to eat pizza and talk about future church activities that they might be able to do (of course Mel and I put in our two bob worth).

Us waiting for the others to arrive in town for the TomTom Crew

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